Saturday, January 14, 2012

Jim Lamb's color mixing workshop

Today I went to Jim Lamb's home studio in Sammamish, WA to attend one-day semi-private workshop. It's about mixing colors. Not to make any actual paintings. However, I brought in a replica of my "Yakima River Valley" painting (see the photo, 12"x9"). I painted this quickly through two nights in this week to represent what I'm struggling with the studio painting.
It's actually representing it pretty well much more than I expected. In the critique session at the end of workshop, I got quite good suggestions and opinions to this painting from Jim and other three students, like...
  1. values and color transitions on background hills.
  2. sharp&soft edges of hills in background and middle ground
  3. shapes of foreground brush from compositional points.
  4. pros and cons of the hint of the river
I'm going to make some adjustment based on above to complete this piece. It was really beneficial in addition to the color studies.

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