Sunday, October 20, 2024

Didn't take long for the mountains


In other words, I would destroy them if I keep working on them. Then I would have to start over again. So I barely touched them other than just smearing lighter snow colors on top of darker layers. 

Work on the sky & cloud colors then come back some portions of rocks I want to refine further, then I'm done with this piece, finally. So this would be the final update for this painting.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Let's finish mountains next

Foregound and midground are almost done. I still want to come back and adjust some colors and put some highlights at some places but those can wait until finishing the mountains.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Foregound rocks are getting there

 Now foreground rocks are getting to what I want them to be. Will continue working on the right side a little more then move on to the middle ground.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Came back to rocks and pushing values darker

 I realized my last update was back in January. Since then, I kept coming back but soon stayed a way a while. But now I started putting more time on this so that I can get closer to the finish line soon.
Now I realize the forground rocks need to have more value contrast and overall values need to be much darker. Or at least that's what I wanted to do with this painting. So will work on this part a while this month.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Filling the moutain range part


The ridge of the mountain range is almost done and considering the colors against the sky colors. The initial filling was too greenish and they probably need to be a little darker than that although they're mostly covered by snow.

Just to test, at this stage, I put those two birds in the sky, which I regularly avoid. It's not so easy to make the shapes right with simple brush strokes like old sumi-e paintings.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Moving on to the maintain range


Almost satisfied with foreground to midrange rock shapes. Farther rocks are not so important about the shapes but colors. So started shifting the focus on to the mountain shapes.

Monday, January 1, 2024

Still drawing toward midground rock shapes


Gradually coming up to the midground of rocks but still drawing with basic values. The colors are hodgepodge allover the places but don't care much at this stage.

Will keep going.